Extremely experienced with years of professional experience. Above all, due to our exposure to different projects, we are always up to date on what is working today!
Connected within the video game industry.
Team diversity and previous international studio experiences allow us to understand and work with different cultures worldwide and effectively interact with communities across the globe.
We are continually establishing new ideas and testing them so our clients can be ahead of the game.
Our team members are highly educated, from marketing majors to IT and computer science graduates.
For a fraction of the cost of a full-time US employee, bring on a team that can transform the way your studio communicates with your audience or promotes your game. Plus. We are tax-deductible and do not crowd your office space!
Client Testimonials
First 2-4 weeks
- Onboarding! Gain access to all platforms needed tools, and assets.
- Adapt to the workflow of preferred styles and needs of the dev team.
- Asking many questions.
- Building the Discord server structure.
- Improving current social media platforms.
- Implementing new community programs.
- Recruiting new volunteer staff.
- Creating various FAQs and sticky posts.
- Build social media posts plan.
- Doing the regular community management tasks.
2nd month
- Continue improving community structure and workflow.
- Improved communication with developers.
- Find ways to systemize and improve community management and support center handling.
- Day to day community and social management tasks.
3rd month+
- By now, most if not all structures are in place and everything running smoothly.
- Just improving things all the time.
- Recruiting more help and removing inactive volunteers.
- Growing community and establishing new community programs.
- Doing the normal day to day tasks of community management.
- Most things will be smooth and repeat here on.
First 2-4 weeks
- Onboarding and getting access.
- Build out a customized marketing strategy and discuss with the studio.
- Improve the current store page. social platforms, and community resources.
- Assist with set up or improvement of the press kit.
- Consult and work with the studio for all public-facing assets improvements.
- Begin building out press and influencer contacts tailored to the game.
- Set up different platforms for inbound influencer interest.
- Social media content plan.
2nd month
- Continue execution of marketing plan.
- Double down on building a large list of content creators for mass promotion.
- Begin reaching out to targeted press for coverage.
- Begin to utilize different promotional effort.
3rd month+
- By now, most if not all structures are in place and everything running smoothly.
- Improving on initial plans and execution.
- Double down on what is working the most for the project.